Background; Tuberculosis (TBC) is a direct infectious disease caused by Mycobacterium Tuberculosis bacteria. Most Mycobacterium Tuberculosis bacteria attack the lungs, but can also affect other body organs. One of the important tasks of pulmonary TB sufferers is to undergo treatment properly and correctly and according to the schedule and conditions that have been set. Often patients or pulmonary TB sufferers forget to take medication after the signs and symptoms of the disease have disappeared. If left unchecked, this will be dangerous and cause antibiotic resistance.
Method; This research is a type of descriptive research. The population in this study was the Medicine Drinking Supervisor (PMO) in Kowel Village, Pamekasan Regency, totaling 35 respondents using a probability total sampling technique. Data collection was carried out by administering a questionnaire. Likert scale questionnaire with a total of 20 statements, then the data is processed using the process of editing, coding, scoring, tabulating, interpreting.
Result; Shows that the majority of respondents as many as 22 respondents (63%) have sufficient behavior and a small number of respondents as many as 8 respondents (23%) have poor behavior and a small percentage of respondents as many as 5 respondents (14%) have good behavior.
Conclusion; Most of the Medication Supervisors (PMO) for pulmonary TB sufferers in Kowel Village have adequate and good implementation behavior. It is hoped that the results of this research can be used as a source of input for developing variables related to Medication Monitoring (PMO) in lung sufferers.
Keyword: Pulmonary TB, Compliance, Medication Monitoring (PMO)
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